These proverbs are used around the workplace or in any business location:
- 大展鴻圖
- (daai6 zin2 hung4 tou4)* - great exhibition and grand prospect
- 飛凰騰達
- (fei1 wong4 tang4 daat6) - lit. the flying phoenix goes speedily, i.e., have
meteoric success in your career.
- 事業有成
- (si6 jip6 jau5 sing4) - have success in your career
- 學業進步
- (hok6 jip6 zeon3 bou6) - progress in your school work
- 東成西就
- (dung1 sing4 sai1 zau6) - East success West success, i.e., success in all directions
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*pronunciations follow the Jyutpin system