These New Years proverbs are used to wish someone good luck:
- 心想事成
- (sam seung sz^ shing)* - have your wishes come true!
- 龍生鳳猛
- (lung4 saang1 fung6 maang5) - be active and healthy
- 新春大吉
- (san1 ceon1 daii6 gat1) - big luck in the new year
- 靳年快樂
- (gan3 nin4 faai3 lok6) - Happy New Years!
- 出入平安
- (ceot1 jap6 ping4 ngon1) - peace wherever you go
- 花開富貴
- (faa1 hoi1 fu3 gwai3) - Blossoming riches and honor
- 如意吉祥
- (jyu4 ji3 gat1 coeng4) - best wishes
- 平安大吉
- (ping4 ngon1 daai6 gat1) - safe and sound, peaceful
- 從心所欲
- (cung4 sam1 so2 juk6) - do as one pleases, from your heart
- 週年順景
- (zau1 nin4 seon6 ging2) - whole year will be smooth, without difficulty
More Proverbs
*pronunciations follow the Jyutping system